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伟大的公司需要伟大的人才. 从人才获取到培训, 人力资源硕士学位为人力资源专业人员提供了解决复杂人事问题和指导公司实现战略目标所需的高级技能. 

As managing people becomes more complex and employee turnover rises, demand for advanced HR skills continues to grow. According to labor market analytics firm EMSI, 15% of human resources manager advertised jobs currently require a master’s degree. 这是一个投影.所有拥有人力资源硕士学位的目标职位加薪8%.

If you’re looking to advance your career in human resources, 硕士学位可以让你获得更高的职位,提高你的收入潜力. 然而,硕士学位的价值取决于你的个人兴趣和职业目标. 这真的值得你花时间和精力吗?



Earning a master’s degree is a serious undertaking. You want to make sure the time you’re investing will be worth it. 确定硕士学位是否能帮助你实现职业目标是为成功做好准备的第一步. Let’s look at common career goals that best align with a master’s in HR degree.


What matters most when choosing a master’s program? Compare features, benefits and cost to find the right school for you.


Career Goal 1: Fast-track opportunities for promotion 

A bachelor’s degree is sufficient for a variety of entry-level positions in HR. 然而, 在申请该领域的高级职位时,硕士学位会给你带来竞争优势. 雇主认识到需要在人力资源关键领域具有专业知识的强有力的领导者, such as labor regulations and diversity and inclusion. 如果你在争取升职, 一个更高的学位可以帮助你满足这些条件,使你成为更有市场的领导职位候选人. 


While an upfront investment is necessary to earn a master’s degree, the lifetime value of a degree more than offsets the cost. 根据EMSI, 拥有学士学位的人力资源专业人员的管理级别职位的工资中位数是82美元,800. 如果你拥有人力资源硕士学位,那么管理层职位的工资中位数将跃升至102,100美元. While you may be able to reach a management position with a bachelor’s, master’s degree holders command higher salaries. 

Career Goal 3: Influence your organization’s strategic decision making

随着公司越来越重视人力资源作为竞争优势, human resources professionals are being given a bigger seat at the leadership table. 作为人力资源主管, 当涉及到公司未来的关键决策时,你有巨大的影响力. An advanced degree will equip you to effectively advance organizational goals, as well as advocate for employees and improve company culture. 

While there’s a lot of upside to earning your master’s, there may be scenarios where it’s not the right fit. Make sure you ask yourself these questions before committing to a program.

  • 我确定我的职业发展方向吗? If you just finished your undergraduate degree, 在开始研究生课程之前,你可能想要在这个领域积累一些经验. 工作经验是帮助你在众多的人力资源职业道路中选择你想要专攻的一个很有价值的方法. 
  • Does a master’s degree offer tangible benefits toward reaching my career goals? Many rewarding positions don’t require a master’s. 强大的认证,如SHRM高级认证专家(SHRM- scp)的区别可以帮助你有资格在招聘管理和主管级别的职位, 人才管理等. 一定要研究一下硕士学位或证书是否需要获得你想要的工作.
  • As a career changer, is a master’s degree enough to qualify me to enter a new field? For those who are working in another field and want to break into human resources, a master’s degree isn’t always enough to qualify for high-level positions. 有些公司要求你在晋升到高管级别之前,要有相关的学士学位或工作经验. 

What New Skills Will You Gain From a Master’s in HR?

你在硕士课程中获得的技能与本科学位有很大的不同. 而学士学位课程涵盖了执行基本工作职能所需的基础知识, a master’s program focuses on applying knowledge. 你将培养批判性思维, 解决组织面临的复杂问题所需的领导能力和人际交往能力. 

With an master’s in HR degree you will gain advanced skills that enable you to:

  • 分析工作场所规划策略 to proactively address core skill gaps and resource shortages. 
  • Build an organizational culture that promotes 尊重, 信任和高度的专业能力, positioning the organization as an employer of choice. 
  • 有效地与其他业务领导和各级员工沟通,以告知组织的战略未来. 
  • 在关键领域指导领导者 比如沟通、决策、绩效反馈、技能差距和生产力.
  • Lead training and continuing education programs,帮助整个组织的员工推动有意义的专业发展. 

Is It Hard to Earn a Master’s Degree in Human Resources?

完成人力资源硕士学位需要大量的时间和精力投入. Coursework covers subjects like labor, economics, finance and business law. 你将被期望运用严格的定量思维来帮助企业开发战略方法来管理人员. 

典型的课程要求从45到60学分不等,全日制学生需要18个月到两年的时间才能完成. Finding the right program is key to making the process more manageable. 


  • 在线学位: 灵活的学习选择,如全在线课程,可以帮助忙碌的专业人士在平衡工作和家庭的同时实现他们的目标.
  • 内置的HR微证书: 有些项目将证书与学位结合起来,帮助证明你在特定领域的能力. 例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的米.S. 人力资源计划 提供雇员证书 & Labor Relations, Human Resource Management, and Strategic HR Leadership.
  • 传递友好: 像十大正规赌博平台大全排行这样对转学友好的学校会努力使你的转学学分最大化, helping you finish your degree faster and save money. 如果你已经通过人力资源管理协会(SHRM)或人力资源认证协会(HRCI)获得了专业认证, ask your advisor if you can earn transfer credit. 
  • 具有丰富行业经验的教师: 寻找具有实际人力资源经验的教师,他们可以将课程内容转化为实际的学习经验. 
  • 以资源: 支持对学生的成功至关重要. 确保该计划提供顾问和学习服务,以推动你前进. 

Find The Right MSHRM 程序 For Your Career Goals

Earning a master’s in HR is a big commitment, 但如果你的目标是解决人力资源领域的复杂问题,那么这绝对是值得的. Finding the right program can make earning your degree easier than you think. 

十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供灵活的 M.S. 人力资源管理 程序建立为工作的专业人士. Courses are taught by faculty with deep human resources expertise. 您将具备必要的领导和沟通技巧,以解决您作为组织领导者所面临的现实挑战. Franklin’s program can be completed in as few as 16 months. 

探索十大正规赌博平台大全排行的 M.S. 人力资源管理 degree to see how it will help you achieve your career goals.

Discover 10 of the most in-demand master's degrees based on salary and job growth.